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Knocking down gender barriers in the world of construction


Knocking down gender barriers in the world of construction - how the industry and government are working hard to prove this is no longer just a ‘man’s world!’

The construction industry has a reputation for traditionally being perceived as a male-dominated environment and often a place that was believed to be unwelcoming for women to enter. However, as part of a positive campaign to bridge this gap and dispel these outdated beliefs, of the sector being viewed as a ‘man’s world,’ many firms are now launching positive action campaigns in a bid to encourage more diversity and encourage women to pursue careers within the industry. 

On March 8, 2021, a collective of senior executives from the construction industry launched a campaign called ‘The REBuild Project’. The project is a campaign to take affirmative action to campaign for the ‘three R’s’ for women in construction: Better Representation, Recognition and Remuneration. 

The body is working hard to raise awareness of the inequality that currently exists within the sector and calling on all stakeholders, such as the government, procurers and the supply chain, to work together in achieving the following key targets set out, which aim to see: 

1.     Women holding 30% of executive board directorship by 2025

2.     Women taking up 50% of entry level positions in construction by 2025

3.     Women representing 50% of positions in executive teams by 2020

4.     Reduce the gender pay gap to zero by 2035

The Rebuild project highlights the fact that achievement of the above targets is vital to modernise and improve the industry, thus stamping out gender inequality. Working tirelessly to lobby the government and industry figureheads, by shining the light on this key issue, it is hoped the cogs of motion will be put into place to force positive action. 

We, therefore, encourage you to voice your support for ensuring our industry is fully inclusive by signing the petition for positive change -

Aside from The REBuild project, many other companies are also stepping up their efforts, to encourage more women to pursue careers within the construction, development and architectural industries. 

Recently Vanessa Murray, asset manager at Stanhope launched Mentoring Circle on March 8, 2021.  Mentoring Circle is a mentoring scheme that offers women a one-to-one mentoring programme for 12 months with female mentors and professionals, from the real estate industry.

Highlighting women in construction, RIBA also took a step forward by publishing audio-recordings of a four-part lecture series called “Pioneers – Women Architects and Their Work”.  This lecture series is believed to be unremarked for 35 years.

 These lectures are from an event that happened on April 29, 1986 at RIBA headquarters in London, by four outstanding 20th-century women architects - Jane Drew, Patricia Tindale, Elaine Denby and Rosemary Stjernstedt. 

With all of the affirmative action taking place within these industries, it is hopeful that within the next few years, the gender barriers will be broken down and more women will venture in, and drive positive change and redress the gender balance. 
