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Protection Products

Looking after our clients is at the forefront of our mind.  Even when a business does everything right there is always the chance of an accident happening. With the right insurance cover, a business can operate knowing that should the worst happen their property could be repaired, possessions replaced and medical costs paid for.

We have included a few of the services we offer to our customers. These services are all to protect them from any issues that may arise whilst on a building site. 


Public Liability Insurance Policy

Public liability insurance covers a business if a customer or member of the public was to suffer a loss or injury as a result of its business activities and if that person made a claim for compensation. The insurance would cover the compensation payment plus any legal expenses.

Why Is Public Liability Cover A Good Thing For Our Customers?

Even when a business does everything right there is always the chance of an accident happening. With the right insurance cover, a business can operate knowing that should the worst happen, their customers’ property could be repaired, their possessions replaced and their medical costs paid for.

We are insurance covers you for up to £5,000,000

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Employers Liability

Employers Liability Insurance policy protects employers from liabilities arising from disease, fatality or injury to employees resulting from workplace conditions or practises that arise from employees fulfilling their job role. A crucial part of running a business is having a solid employers’ liability insurance policy in place. If you employ people you’re legally obliged to take out this cover with a minimum cover of £5,000,000.  It will help you if an employee is injured or becomes seriously ill through working for you.

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All Risks Insurance

We also have an All Risks Insurance which protects and looks out for our customers if any issues arise, along with our employees and their welfare. We opted for the extra insurance policy to reassure customers that we will promise to deliver what we agreed upon. If any unfortunate problems do arise they will be protected, like they were one of us. Our employees are also covered and look after if their absent from work at no fault of their own, this includes jury service. 

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